STEPI (Science and Technology Policy Institute) invites graduate students, scholars and researchers to apply for 2018 STEPI Fellowship. This program aims to encourage research on the issues pertaining to science, technology and innovation (STI) policy, and to build a research network among STI policy researchers and students around the world. The fellowship supports up to 5,000 USD for research on various topics of STI policies, preferably issues pertinent to East Asian countries. Research results from the fellowship support will be published in ‘STI POLICY REVIEW’ (, an international journal focusing on STI policy issues of East Asian countries.
Academic scholars, policy researchers, and graduate students who study STI policies in any field, are eligible to apply. Graduate students are required to provide a recommendation letter from their supervisors or advisors who may guarantee the quality of research result.
Applicants are required to submit following documents written in English:
Research Proposal
A research proposal must be no longer than 5 pages. *Page 6 will not be considered to review.
The proposal should be on theoretical and/or empirical research on STI policy issues, preferably, the issues pertaining to East Asian countries. The proposal must include: a) a research title, b) a research objective, c) research background/questions, d) research methodologies, and e) a research plan, including the submission dates of research papers (see the next section, output and submission).
Curriculum Vitae (no longer than 3 pages) *Page 4 will not be considered to review.
Recommendation letter, if applicable.
An application package should be submitted by November 10, 2017 in MS-Word file via email to
The Review Committee will select research proposals based on the relevance, quality, and significance of expected policy implications. Once the Review Committee finalizes the selection, the program office will notify a review result to selectees via e-mail by December 11, 2017. The selected proposals will be awarded a fellowship of 3,000 to 5,000 USD based on the Committee’s decision. The award will be given in two parts: one third on submission of final output and the remaining upon the acceptance of final paper to the journal, ‘STI POLICY REVIEW’.
Output and Submission Date
As final output, a publishable paper (no longer than 40 pages) must be submitted to the program office any time before but no later than March 1, 2018. The submitted paper is subject to a double-blind referee review for being accepted to the journal. If a full paper is accepted to the journal, STI Policy review, awardees are strongly recommended to revise the paper upon the comments from reviewers by a designated due date.
Program Contacts
Dr. Yongsuk Jang, Program Director
Dr. Kyungmo Sung, Deputy Program Director
Ms. Sueun Kim, Program Coordinator / Email: (82) 44 287 2450