

Greetings from the International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation under the auspices of UNESCO (ISTIC).

I am pleased to inform you that ISTIC which is a UNESCO Science Category II Centre based in Kuala Lumpur will be celebrating its 10th Anniversary in 2018. To commemorate this important occasion, we are organizing The International Conference on Climate Change Education as the flagship event. We have agreed to highlight the critical issue of climate change education through inquiry-based science education for South countries. The Conference will be officiated by the Hon. Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia while Dr. Flavia Schlegel, the Assistant Director – General of UNESCO for Natural Sciences will be present at this event to represent the Director – General of UNESCO.  Sciences will be present at this event to represent the Director – General of UNESCO.  There will be three events taking place within the same week as follows:

i) International Conference on Climate Change Education, (7 – 9 May 2018)

Link: https://goo.gl/forms/ceEf664a9UsulVQ82 [Google forms]

ii) Training Workshop for IBSE Master Trainers in Climate Change Education, (9 – 11 May 2018)

Link: https://goo.gl/forms/pzPRdFdf7NNm9J7z2 [Google forms]

iii) Training Workshop on Technopreneurship for Women in STI, (8 – 11 May 2018)

Link: https://goo.gl/forms/noQune8xfGEeoSaF2 [Google forms]

I would be very grateful if your organization could nominate suitable participants for the Conference and Training workshops.  I am pleased to say that there will be no fees charged for the Conference or the Training Workshops. I also wish to add that the organisers will bear the accommodation and local cost. Regretfully we will not be able to absorb travelling expenses. Hence participants will need to bear the cost of their travel to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Thank you for your kind support.

With best regards,

Abdul A’dzim Bin Abd Rashid
Programme Manager, ISTIC
International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre
for South-South Cooperation under the auspices of UNESCO
902-4  l  Jalan Tun Ismail  l  50480 Kuala Lumpur  l  Malaysia
Mobile: +6019-933 7896  l  Email: adzim@istic-unesco.org
Fax: +603-2698 4549  l  Email: istic.unesco@gmail.com








Nominations for the 2018 TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize

TWAS, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) – for the advancement of science in developing countries is inviting nominations for the 2018 TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize.

The Prize, sponsored by Lenovo, has been established to give international recognition and visibility to outstanding scientific achievements made by scientists living and working in the developing countries.

In 2018 the prize will be given for outstanding achievements in Engineering Sciences.

The Prize carries a monetary award of USD100,000 provided by Lenovo, as well as a medal and a certificate highlighting the recipient’s major contributions. The prize will be presented at a special ceremony arranged by TWAS.

The deadline for receiving nominations is 16 April 2018.

Further details on eligibility criteria and submission procedure are available online:

where the nomination form can also be downloaded.

TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize targets the most prestigious scientists in the field, therefore we rely on your discretion and scrutiny when nominating suitable candidates.
For additional information, please contact: prizes@twas.org.


Call for applications of 2018 AAAS-TWAS Science Diplomacy course is open

The AAAS-TWAS Course on Science and Diplomacy will be held from 20 to 24 August 2018 in Trieste, Italy.

The course is organized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and TWAS and aims to expose participants to some key concepts on the interactions between the scientific and diplomatic communities.
It will also explore contemporary international policy issues relating to science, technology, environment and health.

To access the online application form and for more details, see https://twas.org/opportunity/aaas-twas-course-science-diplomacy-2018
Applications can only be submitted online.

The application deadline is 9 April 2018. Successful candidates will be contacted by mid-May.

Please feel free to circulate this announcement to any suitable person who may be interested in this opportunity.

For any queries, applicants should contact sciencediplomacy@twas.org