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Early Notification

The Sixteenth Conference of the Science Council of Asia will be held at  Galadari Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka during May 30th – June 1st, 2016. The theme of the Conference is:

Science for the People: Mobilizing New Technologies for the Sustainable Development in Asia

Sub-Themes: Opportunities in mobilizing Information technology, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology for National Development; Social Dimensions: Challenges faced by Asia, Risks from technologies.

The Conference will focus on all areas of emerging technologies, successes in their exploitation for national development and for social welfare and the challenges faced in Asia and by developing countries in utilizing this strategy and how they have been overcome. Risks involved in the strategies, their identification and mitigation and social issues involved including social accountability in research will also form part of the theme. Papers are invited in all topics within these broad areas.

The first circular for the Conference which will have more details on the conference will be issued in September2015. Important dates provisionally are: Abstract submission before January 10, 2016, Notification of acceptance of paper/poster by February 15, 2016, submission of full paper before March 30, 2016 and presentation materials by April 30, 2016.

The Conference will be held at Hotel Galadari, Colombo and the room price (bed and breakfast) is expected to be USD 120 (single) and USD 130 (double). Early bird registration before March 25, 2016 with a Registration fee of USD 120 for Participants (conference materials, conference bag, lunches and tea during the conference days and invitation for the conference dinner) and USD 80 (accompanying person’s bag, lunches and tea during the conference days, invitation for the conference dinner and participation in accompanying person’s programme) for accompanying persons.

It is tentatively expected that the Conference will be inaugurated on the morning of Monday, May 30, 2016 with participants expected to arrive on the previous day. It is planned to hold the SCA business meetings on the afternoons of May 30th and 31st and the SCA Symposium on June 1st morning. The conference will have three parallel sessions during May 30h, May 31st and the morning of June 1st  and will close after lunch on June 1st.

Contact: Ms. Maki Hosoda, (SCA secretariat), e-mail: sca@cao.go.jp; Tel: +81-3-3403-1949
Ms. Sriyani Weerasinghe (NASSL), email: nassl@sltnet.lk; Tel: +94-11-2678770

Prof. Vijaya Kumar (President, NASSL), email: vkumar155@yahoo.co.uk; Tel: +94-77-3166613

banner2Science Council of Asia

The Science Council of Asia was formed in May 2000 to help the region more actively address the diverse and urgent science-related issues common to Asian countries, including population problems, medical care, food, water, energy, and knowledge of and education in the sciences. It had its origins in the Asian Conference on Scientific Cooperation (ACSC) hosted by the Science Council of Japan in Tokyo from 1993 to 2000 with the aim of promoting cooperation in scientific research among Asian countries. The first SCA conference was held in Bangkok, Thailand, in May 2001.

The annual SCA conference is held on a rotational basis so that each member country/region can actively participate in and contribute to the SCA.  The annual conference consists of a biennial General Assembly, a Management Board Meeting, and a Symposium which provides for discussions among scientists, engineers, policymakers, and students from Asia. The sixteenth SCA conference is being held during May 30-June 1, 2016 in Colombo. The President of the SCA for 2014-2016 is Prof.Vijaya Kumar, President of the National Academy of Sciences of Sri Lanka. The National Science Foundation is the other Sri Lankan member of SCA.

Theme of the 16th SCA Conference

Science for the People: Mobilizing Modern Technologies for the Sustainable Development in Asia


1. Opportunities in mobilizing Biotechnology, Information Technology, Nanotechnology and Renewable Energy Technologies for National Development

2. Social Dimensions of these technologies: Challenges faced by Asia in their exploitation, Risks from applying the technologies, Protection and preservation of cultural heritage.

3. Climate Change: Mitigation of and Adaptability to the Impact of Climate Change, Sustainable Development for Built Environment, Prevention of Natural Disaster.

The Conference will focus on all areas of emerging technologies, successes in their exploitation for national development and for social welfare and the challenges faced in utilizing them and how they can be overcome. Risks involved in the strategies, their identification and mitigation, the preservation of cultural heritage while introducing the technologies and social issues involved including social accountability in research will also form part of the theme. Climate Change and Prevention of Natural Disaster is another sub-theme of the Conference. Papers are invited in all topics within these broad areas.

Opportunities will be available to make oral presentations or poster presentations

Deadlines/Important Dates:

January 10, 2016: Abstract submission.

February 15, 2016: Notification of acceptance as oral presentation/poster

March 5, 2016: Submission of Revised abstract, if revision required

March 25, 2016: Early Bird registration for Conference

March 30, 2016: Submission of full paper

April 30, 2016: Submission of presentation materials for oral presentation


Hotel Galadari

64, Lotus Road, Colombo 1, Sri Lanka, Phone: +94-112-544544


Special Conference Rates: USD 120 (Single)/130 (Double) per night, Bed/Breakfast


Early Bird Registration Participant USD 120 (includes conference materials, conference bag, lunches/teas on conference days, invitation for conference dinner), Accompanying Person: USD 80 (includes bag, lunches/tea on conference days, invitation for the conference dinner and participation in accompanying person programme)

Please register for the conference by sending the attached form or an email with the required information on or before March 25, 2016 to sca16srilanka@gmail.com. The registration fee may be sent to the account of NASSL (Acct. No. 73178508) at Bank of Ceylon, Independence Square Branch, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka (SWIFT code: BCEYLKLX) or paid on arrival at the Conference.

Registration after March 25, 2016: USD 150 (Participant), USD 100 (Accompanying Person)

Download The Registration Form

Financial Assistance

The SCA regrets it is unable to provide financial or travel assistance to participants.

Second Circular

The second circular containing logistic information, information on Sri Lanka, the basic programme, post-conference tours will be circulated to those expressing interest by early January 2016.


Conference email: sca16srilanka@gmail.com

Other contacts: SCA secretariat, Japan, e-mail: sca@cao.go.jp; Phone: +81-3-3403-1949; NASSL Secretariat (Sriyani), email: nassl@sltnet.lk; Phone +94-11-2678770, Prof. Vijaya Kumar (Conference Co-Chair) email: vkumar155@yahoo.co.uk; Phone +94-77-3166613.

International Advisory Committee:

Prof. Vijaya Kumar (Chair)(Sri Lanka)

Prof. Mesbuahuddin Ahmed (Bangladesh)

Prof Md. Nordin Hasan (Malaysia),

Dr Om Romny (Cambodia)

Prof. Takashi Onishi (Japan)

Prof. Keisuke Hanaki (Japan)

Prof. Hiroshi Yoshino (Japan)

Dr. Zabta K. Shinwari (Pakistan),

Local Organizing Committee:

Prof. Vijaya Kumar (Co-Chair)

Prof. Sirimali Fernando (Co-Chair)

Dr. Azeez Mubarak

Prof. NadiraKarunaweera

Dr. RanjithMahindapala,

Mr. S M A WasanthaAnuruddha

Dr P R M P Dilrukshi

Dr. VinithaThadani