Dear All

One of our Fellows Vidyajyothi Prof Vajira Dissanayake will be delivering the EM Wijerama Endowment Oration (2021) on Sat 30th October at 6:15 pm (see below for program – actual lecture starts at 7:15 pm).

You can either

  1. Register well BEFORE the event at After registering, a zoom link will be sent to the email you provided in the registration process – this is probably SAFER. OR
  2. You MAY be able to use the same link say 15 minutes before the event. At that time you will be asked for your name and email AND taken directly to the event.


6.15 pm Arrival of the Chief Guest
6.30 pm Ceremonial Procession
6.35 pm National Anthem
6.40 pm Traditional Lighting of the Oil Lamp
6.45 pm Welcome Address
Dr Padma Guneratne
President, SLMA
6.50 pm Address by the Chief Guest
Prof. Indika Karunathilake
Immediate Past President, SLMA
6.55 pm Presentation of SLMA Research
Prizes and Awards 2021
7.10 pm Vote of Thanks
Dr. Sumithra Tissera
Honorary Secretary, SLMA
7.15 pm Dr. E. M. Wijerama Endowment Oration
“From Wijerama House to Marlborough House
– the Story of Creating Capacity for Data
Driven Health Care in Sri Lanka and Beyond”
Vidya Jyothi Prof. Vajira H.W. Dissanayake
Faculty of Medicine,
Chair and Senior Professor,
Department of Anatomy,
Genetics and Biomedical Informatics,
University of Colombo Sri Lanka
8.00 pm Close