

Yesterday morning, the National Academy of Sciences had the honor of President Barack Obama delivering an historic speech in celebration of NAS’s 150th anniversary. President Obama reflected on Abraham Lincoln’s fortitude in founding the National Academy of Sciences 150 years ago, and also explained the importance of setting priorities for research, continuing our nation’s scientific advance, and maintaining our cutting edge with a fidelity to facts, truth, and following the evidence. The President emphasized that investments made today in science, technology, engineering, and medicine are all critical to the nation’s prosperity, and are bound to pay off for many years to come.

This second visit by President Obama continues a succession of Presidential milestones, beginning with the founding of the NAS by President Lincoln in 1863, President Coolidge’s participation in the dedication of the NAS Building in 1924, President Kennedy’s address at the Academy’s centennial celebration in 1963, as well as speeches by Jimmy Carter in 1979 and by George H.W. Bush in 1990.


Watch the President’s address to the members of the National Academy of Sciences, or read the full transcript of the President’s speech at Notes from NAP, annotated with lists of our related materials, and read our reports that are available for free download.